Perfect Easter Gift

In a few days is Easter and the spring shows in time for the Festival. So some people starts to look now for Easter gifts. What could fit, beautiful and at the same time not too expensive? Looking on the Internet at Naturefund, we find a special Easter gift: give land, away for Easter! Country to Easter gift, how does that? Basically quite simple: on the Internet at Easter can be selected a plot of land, either ‘ Kiebitz’ ‘Sinks with flood basins’ or a ‘moist meadow’. Reserve Bank is often quoted as being for or against this. 4 square meters can be purchased for EUR 10. For EUR 2.50 in addition there is a certificate in photo quality, printed on a mix of FSC/recycled paper. All-besitzerinnen and property owners will receive a certificate with Godfather code. You can enter this code in the Internet and there virtually see their country.

The Lapwing is a harbinger of spring and begins now to Easter with the breed. Naturefund elected him to the head for his Easter action. With this action, Naturefund together with the HGON wants draw attention to the increasingly rare and Lapwing. The Lapwing was formerly one of the most commonly encountered birds with us. The increasing intensification of agriculture decimated its habitats sinks, flood basins and wet meadows. The stocks of the Lapwing collapsed dramatically and he is now on the red list. One of the last nesting areas of the Lapwing in the Siegerland floodplain is located in South Hesse. Right here, Naturefund will now buy a wet meadow with the HGON and again turn into a Plover Habitat.

Who gives away a piece of land now to Easter with Naturefund helps maintain a natural paradise, and returns at the same time a piece of the wealth of Easter of the nature.


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