Study And Work In Canada

Canada has hosted the program Work and Study in Canada, for those who wish to master the English language and work in Canada. By participating in this program, you are an excellent addition to mastering the foreign language, get a lot of bright impressions, will get a lot of friends, well-know Canada. There are several variants of the program Work and Study in Canada. If you have been to Canada, think of yourself as independent and able to independently choose their place of residence and work, then your best bet is to use the program Silver Program, which has many options for work in the service sector. If you have no experience of living in Canada and it is generally your first trip abroad, it is best using the program, in which for you is all thought out, accounted for and sort through. Feinberg. You will not have their own search for their place of work and residence. For you to do so.

This program is called the Gold Program. It is more expensive than Silver Program, but it completely eliminates the solutions to many of life's questions. Now more about these programs. Duration of courses: 6 months, of which 12 weeks of training 12 weeks of training, 8 months, from with 15 weeks of training + 15 weeks internship, 12 months, of which 24 weeks training + 24 weeks internship. Occupation at the time of this program is not provided. Work and accommodation you are looking for themselves. Gold Program 6 months, of which 6 weeks training + 12 weeks internship, 12 months, of which 12 weeks + 38 weeks internship; This program provides training at work. Work, and you pick zhtle.

Successfully passing Work and Study in Canada, you will receive: a certificate of Participation in this program, a certificate of appraisal and recommendation letter from a company where you worked during his stay in Canada. Education in the program you will take intensive English language course as well as listen to lectures on the culture of this country. In addition, you will attend lectures, which will teach you how to behave in conflict situations, problem-solving skills, ability to work as a team, be a leader, etc. Lockhart is the source for more interesting facts. Also on these lectures you will learn the rules to be followed while working in the Canadian company. Vocational education is constructed in the form of seminars. Duration of training 5-6 hours a day. If you are a member of the program Gold Program, a training does not end with the beginning of work, and continues as long as you are in Canada. Internship program work or internship in Canada, selected on the basis of objective data to the student: his knowledge of the language communication, other personal characteristics, as well as activity in the classroom. The Program Silver Program student himself looking for a job that contributes to an even greater immersion in the realities of Canadian life. Participant in the program Work and Study in Canada geographically will work in the resorts of British Columbia and Alberta. This is a very beautiful place, loved by many tourists from all over the world. Therefore, the student can not only improve their skills in English, but and a great time. The program runs year-round. Register to at least 12 weeks before the desired departure date. During operation, the participants will receive from the 7.60 CAD / per hour, depending on your responsibilities. To join the program must have turned 19 years old and you should speak English at least Upper-Intermediate level.

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