Gingerbread Man

Not the best option would be to and soft toy. Believe me, the first year of life of the child they have accumulated a lot. Union recognizes the significance of this. Think he or her very useful 527-th teddy bear? Most likely, the dust from his apartment will be more than joy. Somewhere late in the first year of life from the destructive and throw anything and everything the child wakes up creator. And he's now not only throws all that my mother has collected for 5 minutes before that, but trying to build, connect, fold. So in the course can go blocks, designers, and mosaics. When choosing a game set is worth paying attention to what age it was intended. Year-old child to buy designers with large parts and mosaics with large chips (diameter less than 2 cm).

It is not necessary to delay attention to thematic collections. Robot-rescuer child gather for a long time will not do. But it will be great to build a tower of bright large blocks. And it is not necessary to buy super-expensive sets such as Lego. Domestic manufacturers produce excellent engineers, for example, "Gingerbread Man".

Subject toys inexhaustible. I wanted to add that when choosing toys do not forget about traditional Russian toys. Still not bad, if at an early age the child will be surrounded not just Pokemon and Teletubbies, but also toys, created as part of the culture and language, in which it grows. Remember your childhood and the joy that you are filled with rocking on the horse.

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