
Investments in new markets: the best protection against a possible crisis. Frankfurt am Main, 23.09.2011: the German Mittelstand is afraid of a new crisis. Contractors report set back investment in new factories, machinery by a noticeable reluctance when ordering sure sold forgotten machines and despite IAA many automotive suppliers feel optimism increasing caution of their clients. One has the feeling, already talking about a looming crisis could lead that it does take place. In a completely different Horn blows the recruitment consultant Tobias Busch. He advises just the German middle class, not the investment-return, but finding his salvation in the emerging economies. If there is concern that established markets falter, you should not remain, but are looking for untapped markets for his own company.” The problem is, according to Bush, that many companies no or only little knowledge of possible There is a market in Asia, even in India or China. /a>. This would create fear and fear paralyses and might pass by unused opportunities.

The chances are easier to use than many medium-sized companies is clear. Surprisingly, many Chinese have studied in Germany in the last 10 to 15 years. Particularly for the years 2000 and 2001, each year thousands of young people from the Kingdom of the middle in our country flock to a study. For many, this is a second degree because they have already gained a university degree in China. Germany is so popular with many students from the emerging economies of the world, because there are no or only low tuition fees in Germany. Many of the Chinese already have a multi-year acquisition biography in Germany and even the German citizenship. Due to the original roots you can quite say that these people have the ability to be at home in both cultures.

Why does not the knowledge and tapping into such a “Recruit people for his company and together with this adventure China ‘ go on? These people are usually highly motivated, energy and enforcement will have an entrepreneurial spirit and many frequently otherwise they wouldn’t be here. “Bush knows from his own experience: we have more than once seen how a single person can ensure that a company in China is successful.” This is Bush, who once headed by Volkswagen in India and for a Siemens subsidiary commercial has is responsible for the Asia-Pacific, experienced also in relation to India. He advises German SMEs massively expand operations in these countries. It was the best preparation and protection. With affordable, competent personnel that is no financial adventures for many smaller companies, because you could start with people who are knowledgeable on the spot, within the manageable scope. And if the crisis do not come? The better! Then, on several markets to earn money and can invest this further makes sense. Maybe later, in a Manager with African roots!

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