Spiritual Intelligence Model

Ramon Gallegos, aware of the problem that exists today, in where many seek desperately longed happiness, has written three books that exposes clearly and accurately its actual meaning and how to experience it on a permanent basis; Ramon Gallegos, speaks of spiritual intelligence as the conscience of knowing our true spiritual nature, in which humans are happy not because of circumstances but despite them. Books in unit with being, enlightened consciousness and the Nectar of happiness are the trilogy of spiritual intelligence; published in 2010, in this trilogy, Ramon Gallegos, explains the true nature of the human being, and is this recognition is the one who comes to reveal the illusion in which we live and see happiness as something inherent to the human being, that there is no need to search for something outside of us, because it is not something we have lost, because it is hereWe are that, just admit it. In the first book of the trilogy in unit with be, Ramon Gallegos mentions that for 400 years the society focused only on external aspects of development of the human being, and forgot largely subjective inner world, having problems living today, such as nihilism, hedonism, ignorance of the true nature of the human being, lack of sense to live and as a consequence as a resultthe lack of happiness and fulfillment in the life of many human beings. In the process of change towards a full and happy life, spirituality has the most important role, which implies an enormous challenge for a society based on the last 4 centuries, in instrumental rationality, in which spirituality is conceived only in the first stage of your search, as a religious practice, and in which is not given the true connotationthen only given a sense based on dogmas and beliefs, resulting useless practices that are in religious institutions, for the development of a full and happy life.

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