Better Financing

The VDEB info day 2009 will be held on 28 September in Bonn. Aachen, August 13, 2009. The VDEB info day 2009 will be held on 28 September in Bonn. Already compiled an extensive and informative lecture program. Still chance to participate with a sponsorship or speeches. “According to the motto of Thomas Alva Edison there’s a way to do it better” are many smaller and medium-sized IT companies drive innovation and identify opportunities in the crisis. New products and customer-oriented solutions can create new profit opportunities for the IT-Mittelstand. To control innovation by the crisis would be in the spirit of the old master of Edison. Edison had realized, an innovation is more than an idea, an innovation is the implementation of an idea in products and services that meet the test of the market. After its ground-breaking inventions, has shifted the focus of its activities on the implementation and marketing of electrification projects. Without financing, no innovation can have proven themselves in practice. Thomas Alva Edison took the financial means to the electrification of New York. But where is the IT SME the money to finance his ideas? The VDEB info day 2009 is dedicated to answering this question the financing of innovations. After IT-Mittelstand Association since 2008 the alignment of economic stimulus on corporations vehemently criticized, this event in turn is a constructive contribution of the Association for the growth and development of IT medium-sized enterprises. Several presentations of the event are already set, but still it is possible by means of papers and to participate in sponsoring the event. Enterprise 2.0 on course of innovation”is the topic of Emanuel Berry Heath of the TU Dortmund, social Forschungsstelle Dortmund (sfs) and Dirk Brockhaus (Brockhaus software & Consulting AG, Lunen) into the findings of the BMBF research project Integro. Terms and concepts such as open innovation, customer integration and innovation networks reflect individual aspects of new strategies against and learn through the Web technologies and their Usage of enterprise-level a new dynamic. Important suggestions for an innovation-friendly corporate culture can be obtained from the representations to Enterprise 2.0. But after the ideas are formed, substantial funding is needed.

The central innovation programme for SMEs (ZIM) of the Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) plans to open a reliable perspective to support their innovation efforts until end of 2013 with an attractive promotion small and medium-sized enterprises, but also the IT middle-class benefits from this promotion? Dr. Jurgen Kuhnlenz will answer these and other questions to the ZIM by the Association of industrial research associations (AIF). Not only about the ZIM, but also about the KfW bank group intends the policy to support the SMEs, in order to prevent a credit crunch. Explain Michael Gottner by KfW is securing employment by enhancing growth 2009″the funding programmes of the KfW, in particular the special programme. Since the KfW loans forgiven by the banks are also an opportunity for critical feedback on the effectiveness of policy measures opens up, not only practical advice to be expected, but there are. The capital of IT companies is to a large extent in the knowledge of its employees. A CD-ROM costs 50 cents, the information stored on this CD-ROM can be worth millions of euros. But, the knowledge of the employees is not included in the equity capital. The Bank’s internal rating according to the stricter guidelines of Basel 2 is accordingly low. As a result, the creditworthiness of IT companies and the negotiating position of the IT companies to the banks is very weak. Modern methods of human resource rating provide arguments for the true value of a company?

Stefanie Muller of the University of Saarland will introduce in the current discussion and treat possible human capital assessment, the Saarbrucker formula and the effect on internal and external stakeholders (banks). If the Debt financing through banks but fail, often represents a viable alternative to the equity financing by shareholders. Particularly since the reform of German corporate law in the fall of 2008, partly considerable risks are associated with this financing but. These are both for the shareholders, but also for the managers of the companies involved. Monika Essers, Attorney at law, represents the risks of shareholder loans, collateralization of shareholder and cash pool in her presentation and gives advice on how to address these risks in practice.

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