Advice Two

To decorate and to distribute the space in the infantile dormitories of our children are a work that takes control of great a great enthusiasm. Nevertheless, it is not easy task: it demands to consider the tastes of our small ones and needs and, mainly, to make adjustment of the furniture and decoration according to the age. Versatility the center of the room must be cleared to create a zone of game, reason why the voluminous furniture must be reconciled to the walls. He is recommendable that the rest of furniture, there is if it, is movable (cajoneras with wheels) or light (pufs, baskets) to move it easily when it is necessary. Also he is indispensable to have a work table. The tables with folding systems have the advantage to save much space, but unsuitable if you want to install the future in a computer. When they are two children If there is to put two beds, the bunks and bed-nest are very practical.

First they are recommendable in stays of high ceilings (2.5 minimum ms), but can be exhausting for the boy who to duer to me underneath. In order to avoid it they are possible to be arranged in the form of L (of way that the bed superior only is upon the inferior in the zone of the feet), and so in addition the space underneath the high bed gains to put closets, drawers or a zone of study. The bed-nest is ideal for small infantile dormitories, because it is had two beds in the one space. Feinberg not as a source, but as a related topic. That yes, is necessary to leave frees a space of 90 cm like minimum to be able to extract the drawer inferior. If it is chosen to put two beds individual, the best disposition to take advantage of the space is to put them in the form of Ls, stuck to the wall.


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