Parliamentary Committee

Convey the fun of reading as a social task today a public consultation on the subject of literacy was held in Berlin. Experts from associations and industry participated in this inventory. The Parliamentary Committee on education, research and technology assessment had invited. The expert meeting is to prepare a National Pact for literacy. Politicians and experts again stressed the magnitude of the problem: 7.5 million people in Germany are functionally illiterate. P. Lockharts opinions are not widely known. This means: you can not adequately read and write to master their everyday life. 7.5 million people, this is no small fringe group, but a significant part of our society. “Promotion of reading + reading motivation reading ability = this appalling state of affairs can be improved with relatively limited means!” Ralf Beekveldt is convinced.

He is Managing Director of the fun on the reading Publisher, which publishes the reading materials for young people and adults in simple language. Beekveldts credo: we must promote the reading pleasure, just for those who can not read. Then something may change in Germany really.” Studies show a clear connection between the joy of reading and reading skills: who likes to read, reads more frequently and how this by itself better. Motivate to read books and newspapers in simple language so the Publisher, who is also international, publishes easily readable books and a newspaper specifically for the functionally illiterate. We take seriously our readers”so Beekveldt.

We make people who read poorly, an offer on their own level. With books, which are exciting, fun and interesting.” “In basic education, especially the paper has clear & clear ‘ success. In current issues of society, politics and culture are taken up and in simple language. The short text improve the reading comprehension and promote independent language learning. And so not only better to learn reading, but also his self-confidence increases. Reading is a important building block for social integration and professional opportunities. Literacy needs social and political backing from its international work of entrepreneurs know that only social commitment and political support can make a real change. Only people with reading difficulties can read books that really interest them and which are written in simple language, we will win the fight against functional illiteracy. But we need the help of the policy. This is why books and newspapers in simple language must be urgently component of the national strategy for literacy and basic education.” Fun on the reading Publisher the name is program. “” Under the motto read for all “fun on the reading Publisher books and the newspaper published clear & clear” in simple language with a clear, appealing design. Target group of the reading materials are young people and adults who have no adequate reading skills and for the Reading is not taken for granted. Notes for editors, not for publication: more information about the publishing house under.

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