
Investments in new markets: the best protection against a possible crisis. Frankfurt am Main, 23.09.2011: the German Mittelstand is afraid of a new crisis. Contractors report set back investment in new factories, machinery by a noticeable reluctance when ordering sure sold forgotten machines and despite IAA many automotive suppliers feel optimism increasing caution of their clients. One has the feeling, already talking about a looming crisis could lead that it does take place. In a completely different Horn blows the recruitment consultant Tobias Busch. He advises just the German middle class, not the investment-return, but finding his salvation in the emerging economies. If there is concern that established markets falter, you should not remain, but are looking for untapped markets for his own company.” The problem is, according to Bush, that many companies no or only little knowledge of possible There is a market in Asia, even in India or China. /a>. This would create fear and fear paralyses and might pass by unused opportunities.

The chances are easier to use than many medium-sized companies is clear. Surprisingly, many Chinese have studied in Germany in the last 10 to 15 years. Particularly for the years 2000 and 2001, each year thousands of young people from the Kingdom of the middle in our country flock to a study. For many, this is a second degree because they have already gained a university degree in China. Germany is so popular with many students from the emerging economies of the world, because there are no or only low tuition fees in Germany. Many of the Chinese already have a multi-year acquisition biography in Germany and even the German citizenship. Due to the original roots you can quite say that these people have the ability to be at home in both cultures.

Why does not the knowledge and tapping into such a “Recruit people for his company and together with this adventure China ‘ go on? These people are usually highly motivated, energy and enforcement will have an entrepreneurial spirit and many frequently otherwise they wouldn’t be here. “Bush knows from his own experience: we have more than once seen how a single person can ensure that a company in China is successful.” This is Bush, who once headed by Volkswagen in India and for a Siemens subsidiary commercial has is responsible for the Asia-Pacific, experienced also in relation to India. He advises German SMEs massively expand operations in these countries. It was the best preparation and protection. With affordable, competent personnel that is no financial adventures for many smaller companies, because you could start with people who are knowledgeable on the spot, within the manageable scope. And if the crisis do not come? The better! Then, on several markets to earn money and can invest this further makes sense. Maybe later, in a Manager with African roots!

European Central Bank

Because it looks almost good in Germany against the European environment, because in this country the volume of loans went to last August ‘ only ‘ 1.4 billion back. From March until July 2008, it had been monthly each around five billion euros. The numbers are still devastating and not suitable to trigger a confidence boost in the economy”, says Norbert Wagner from the Debi select group of companies. While the finance specialist of the Landshut company Debi select criticized that the banks currently quite obviously first would think on their own cash rather than to help the battered economy on its feet. Thus, the European Central Bank (ECB) published recently that banks across Europe have given less in new loans out 32 billion euros in August, when they received in repayments. The total credit volume there fell by 0.7 percent.

Debi select looks are therefore confirmed, their model of SME financing factoring to offer at present exactly the right alternative. Factoring is the purchase of debts from deliveries of goods and services. Since the risks here are often not adequately assess, Debi select has aligned itself on the special factoring by largely secured claims. So acquires the company has investments in medium-sized companies for example life insurance, provides the surrender value immediately and settles with the insurance following. For this purpose, the holding company receives a discount. Debi select also makes about appropriate investments in highly specialized companies, so-called loans against securities.

This new business unit is located in sale of loans, which banks grant their customers for the purpose, that they acquire securities thus. Such customers are large private fortune, which are professionally managed by family offices and other asset managers. Through a targeted investment, the difference between the interest rates, which are payable to the Bank and interest income from the thus acquired is Capital equipment used. As such notably corporate bonds into consideration come,”explains Professor Dr. Karl-Georg Loritz this complex area of the University of Bayreuth and classifies it as highly innovative. Demand for factoring is at least sufficient”, says Norbert Wagner from the Debi select. This show is also on the decline of M3. These are cash, deposits on current accounts, short-term money-market instruments and bonds with up to two years duration. “A decline in this index serves as an indicator for the ECB that households and companies less cash” have available, which are available for investment. Deals like that of Debi select bump into this gap, because they provide short term liquidity balance.

Jazz & More In Cuba Experience

Jazz lovers meet in Havana Cuba from February 18 to 21, and its capital city of Havana are year-round music. The inhabitants seem to dance and sing and constantly music of all styles on the visitor penetrates him over the airwaves and live by the countless bands, animated to linger, to sing and dance. This unforgettable daily experience is surpassed when meet musicians and fans to the International Jazz Festival in Havana. The 26.mal invites the pianist and Festival Director Chucho”Valdes the world to meetings, concerts and Jam Sessions. your knowledge. The Cuba specialist Dieter Spath again offers special travel to Havana to mark the occasion. Give the participants the opportunity not only to participate in this important music event, they offer the possibility to everyday life through encounters and tours directly to experience the history and the diverse culture of Cuba. The participants are looked after during the stay in Havana by a german-speaking Cuban. In the wake of the The Cuba stay can be extended according to own wishes Festival week.

So for example an extension stay on the beautiful beaches of the Caribbean is. Also taking part in a guided tour is possible. For bookings until September 30th, an early bird discount is granted on all travel services booked in connection with the Jazz Festival without flights and tickets by 5%. For more information on the Internet at.

Fabric For The Silly Season

Peter Brakelmann: ‘alleged statements by Finance Minister Linssen turn out to be journalistic duck’ to today’s reporting about the CDU Bundestag Group Chairman Bernhard Simon explains the city’s finances: the topic of municipal debt is too serious, as that man – apparently makes quite robust for the most part based on another online publication -. If one believes that the Ministry of finance will treat better other cities as Wuppertal, because they were supposedly faster with saving concepts on the market, then this is no more than one is mere assertion. I talked immediately palms (CDU), a careful research that keeps at least not stand.”after reading the article and the very sharp comment to the Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior, Manfred. Feinberg would like to discuss. The fact is: these are the articles in the online service and in the living to a classic journalistic duck. The alleged remarks, the Minister of finance in were placed the mouth, have never been made. tion. It is definitely not the intention to make a kind of example of cities such as Wuppertal and worse to treat them as, for example, Hagen.

Our Government, as well as the various ministries give themselves not, pitting individual municipalities, which are in a similarly difficult budgetary situation,”, so the CDU Landtag Peter Brakelmann Wuppertal. It is simply absurd to request now personnel consequences in the ranks of the Administration, just because she want to give to no Schnellschussen. Reserve Bank will undoubtedly add to your understanding. We should resist us pure speculation, even if it’s honorable that the WZ this difficult topic repeatedly refers to himself. To do this we provide joint position paper of the CDU and CDU faction in Wuppertal at the disposal, which we have developed together with Jurgen Hardt the newspaper again”, says Simon.

The Measurement Of Voltages

On this occasion we will discuss a common procedure in the service to electronic equipment any that is its nature. As well as decrease the replacement of components without the corresponding analysis procedure. Find us with a hard failure when we resorted to asking a colleague and the first thing that we respond is, already you mediste voltages? Yes, but get obtained voltages. Only see if this polarized? No, also Yes there is some short, as well as to determine any damaged component. What speaks to us of the importance of this function. First we will discuss the need for tension and its different values applied in Assembly transistorisados.

Remember that in both types of transistors (PNP-NPN) two currents, a so-called base (Ib) current and the second collector (Ic) current flow inside both in the direction opposite to the direction of the arrow of issuer (in a conventional sense) by which the issuer (Ie) current flows and electrode is known as total current. (Ie = Ib+Ic) = It for that to happen we need an earthable difference between their different terminals. Or put another way they require a series of voltages each of their electrodes. Recalling that since its design determines whether these will be of the positive or negative sign. What if it would be as a rule is the following: an NPN collector will always be more positive or less negative than the issuer and in serious PNP the more negative or less positive than the issuer. Considered collector-emitter being those who manage the largest amount of current. The base terminal would have a voltage of just 0.6V in forward bias with respect to the issuer.(this last is dependent on the implementation of Assembly) We can enter in the field and we have been more explicit here and hopefully we will take as a base a mounting set transistor common emitter, by relevant in its application to different types of equipment either radio, TV receivers video etc.

“” ‘Bedford’ in the Hamburger Hill district celebrates great ‘Loo-opening party’ on the occasion of the toilets makeovers from 00 zero zero with a large bathroom opening party “celebrates the Bedford” in the Hill district on January 21, 2010, its freshly renovated toilets. The party to which all Bedford “fans are cordially invited, rounds the hygiene Mission for more clean restaurant toilets of 00 null null WC fresh seal, the first self-adhesive WC stone without a plastic hanger, down.” In the past three months could user action accompanied by Qype interact not only about the food and the atmosphere, but also assess the experienced quality of toilets of German cuisines. “At the end it was clear: the WCs of the Bedford” had a toilet renovation urgently necessary. zero spendierte zero 00 therefore a complete makeover of the toilets. >. “The before-after effect: the sanitary installations in the Bedford” were previously dominated by narrow, covered walls and taxi color. Flash light, broken doors and criss -cross Cable laid along the ceiling and walls made for bad toilet atmosphere. But now everything is different! From 21 January 2010 are the toilets of the Bedford”thanks to 00 zero zero in glory shine. Anyone who would like to get an idea of it, is to a large bathroom opening party”loaded with DJ.

The first 50 guests will receive a domestic”welcome gift and free drinks. Toilet-opening party”January 21, 2010, from 8: 00 pm Bedford, shoulder blade 72, 20357 Hamburg mission accomplished. With the complete renovation of the toilets in the Bedford”00 has zero now successfully completed its hygiene mission null WC fresh seal and a sign of more clean toilets in Germany gastronomies. About 00 null null WC fresh seal: hygienic fresh with a click: the toilet fresh seal sealed 00 zero zero a new era in the toilet hygiene. The innovative toilet freshener completely omitted on a plastic straws. Bacteria and dirt can no longer stick and the Bowl stays hygienic fresh.

Million Odds

Schauma says ‘Thank you’ on 21 million bottles of Cologne, July 2010 from 1 July to 30 November 2010 the hair care market leader Mohamed Saed thanked with a great promotion for consumer confidence. Schauma Germany NR. 1 says thank you * characterises the appearance of the brand directly at the point of sale with attractive finishes. On 21 million Schauma, bottles are stickers with winning codes for guaranteed instant win prizes by Pixum during the promotion period. Pixum, Germany’s leading photo service, has over a million prize vouchers, if is Germany’s most popular hair care brand * would like to thank its customers for their loyalty. Leporello on the Schauma action products win all 21 million winning codes guaranteed.

What profit is behind the respective winning code, immediately learns the customer when entering code under. Over 1 million times a Pixum coupon it will be – for photo prints, photo posters or a photo book discount in the value of 7.95 euros. Thus Pixum his long series of high-profile promotion cooperations with leading brand manufacturers consistently continued. Pixum make it one of the most popular promotional partners at all the experience of online photo services with the implementation of such large campaigns, as well as the uncomplicated and emotional appeal of digital photography. Before the cooperation with handle their campaigns with Pixum as partners have strengthened this year already brands such as Harry bread. is one of the leading providers of online photo services in Germany and Europe.

The product range includes a wide selection of photo gifts, posters, canvas prints, and of course classic photo prints photo books, photo calendars. Pixum prints and exposed exclusively on high-quality materials using the most modern and environmentally friendly printing technologies. Other services are the online storage of images, as well as extensive Web applications around the digital photo. With over 50 tests through journals, magazines and consumer protection organisations Pixum with the average grade of 1.9 was ranked top.

Broichmann Kirchgasse

The skin Center of Wiesbaden under the direction of Dr. med. Peter Broichmann informed allergic diseases are in Western industrialised countries for several decades, massive growth. In particular the new-year pond plants pollen charged the people affected every year on new. The Wiesbaden dermatologist Dr. Broichmann gives valuable advice for the everyday dealing with the typical spring problem. Pollen do not stop at the front door.

The plants pollen adhesive in the hair and clothing are distributed by the allergy-afflicted residents in his apartment and make sure that he finds too little relief. To restrict this situation as far as possible, people who are allergic to pollen, should shower every day during the spring and wash their hair. After the shower, fresh, pollen-free clothing should be tightened. When storing clothes, make sure listed by laundry in a separate store room to be cleaned. Otherwise, the on your pollen in the spread Apartment. The drying of freshly washed clothes should not be outdoors this unnecessarily burdened it with allergy-inducing pollen, and gives them access to the closet. The pollen load different depending on weather conditions and flowering in the spring. Allergic persons is recommended, to keep up to date on relevant information services, and avoiding unnecessary stays in the open air. ons.

A release by the living environment largely free of pollen is possible during the spring the best between 0 and 4 o’clock. This may be tedious, but relieved the room air. To reduce pollen deposits, it is advisable to periodically clean the apartment, wet to wipe dust and to provide the vacuum cleaner with a fine dust filter. Filter systems relieve even the errant car allergy sufferers the installation of a pollen filter in the air control contributes to that no extreme pollen concentrations occur in the car. The described advice are suitable to relieve allergy-afflicted people. Of course replace the need for a professional medical treatment, which is often needed in severe cases. Dr. Broichmann in the skin Center of Wiesbaden is his allergy patients do this with an extensive range of therapies School of natural medicine available. Skin Center Wiesbaden press information contact: Dr. med. Peter Broichmann Kirchgasse 42-44 65183 Wiesbaden phone: (0611) 305110 website: skin Center Wiesbaden

Istanbul Trip

Hotel of Tulip in Istanbul welcomes you! -a small hotel in the heart of the city after a long day full of impressions, smells and sounds of Istanbul you crave a cup of aromatic tea or a glass of delicious wine. Will the Tulip Hotel in Istanbul it is enjoy. Pension-Hotel Tulip you be lifted well weren’t. You take off your shoes, stretch your legs and you will feel on the comfortable bed feel at home on the soft sofa, and yet you are louder, more modern and shocking beautiful town in Istanbul, in this. Tulip guesthouse is a beautiful and small hotel located in a spiritual and unique area of Istanbul, in Sultanahmet.

Enjoy the sights and beautiful panoramic view of the Marmara Sea to the shores of the Asian continent. You will immediately feel that you are in the middle of a truly unique and magical atmosphere, as in a fairy tale. Capital is the source. This hotel in Istanbul, but also the famous offers not only clean and comfortable rooms Hospitality of the hosts will welcome you. No matter what you need all your wishes and requests are welcome. Forget not the fresh Turkish breakfast to taste, it is heartier but to something more tasty. Do think your stay in Istanbul will be here unforgettable! Make a short walk to the old town of Istanbul, until you reach the Center. You will see the border between Europe and Asia. This city shows also the unique blending of the two cultures.

You are soaking up the atmosphere of this city like a sponge. Run the narrow cobbled streets, go to the Grand Bazaar, or one of numerous mosque and churches. And visit the Turkish bath where you will feel after a massage like a new person. The architecture impressed and excited, all major attractions are easily accessible from here. And what more beautiful, thousands of restaurants, pubs, bars, shops and clubs are also just around the corner. And in the late evening, tired of the large rear tick City go back hotel to Tulip, to pull back in a quiet street. Here you will find a relaxing and pleasant place like home…On the terrace you can spend here the long evenings, while the city lights flash, meet nice people and feel good. The helpful and friendly staff is more a reason Tulip tu to hotel in Istanbul come. The staff will enrich your stay in Istanbul not only through your generosity, but also your knowledge of historic sites, local markets, shopping districts, and public transport. And if you don’t believe, come here and see for yourself! Hotel Tulip can be find at HostelsClub.

The Best Sushi Hanover

Bar – Sushin press release who looks around for a sushi restaurant in Hanover, which this is recommended determined Sushin in bar located in the Nicholas Street -. It is not difficult to recognize why the restaurant and cocktail bar make these recommendations. It is excellent cocktails and excellent sushi. The best sushi of Hanover the bar scene is not only a pleasant place for cocktails, but also an insider’s tip among sushi lovers. Sushi comes from Japan and describes different dishes of cleaned rice and various ingredients we raw fish and seafood, dried seaweed, vegetables or egg. A different variety of sushi offered depending on the region.

The Su-Shin offers a large variety of sushi in excellent quality. The sushi is here, as it is usual, prepared in bite-sized pieces. In the Su-Shin is also the arrangement on the plates is exceptional and is described as being very pretty and elegant by various guests and critics. On the preparation and arrangement, you can see the originality with which the Cook the food is prepared and the pristine quality of the sushi. The best cocktails Hanover in addition serves modern, fancy cocktails to the offered sushi by a young, ambitious bartenders, which are its reputation in nothing. The drinks are of excellent quality and look too appealing. If you are looking for high-quality cocktails in Hannover, visit the bar Sushin and let us convince you.

Only the highest quality ingredients and spirits are used to mix the cocktails at the bar. The creations of the House. The best ambiance of Hanover convinced the bar scene in the first moment with stylish decor and a relaxed atmosphere. Lounge atmosphere with matching music supported these impression and makes the food and cocktails in a better light. If you feel comfortable in such a modern bar which is only to recommend the bar Sushin. How to contact with Nicholas 12 30159 Hannover Tel: 0511 / 8982946″

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