Islamic Countries

“Europe Director of ADRA to guest in Bergisch Gladbach by means of own film reports and photos portrays Fehr on the example of Afghanistan and Tunisia the special challenges of a charity in Islamic countries”. ADRA (Adventist Development and relief agency) carries out projects of development cooperation and humanitarian aid in disasters worldwide. The recognized non-governmental organization maintains about 120 independent, national organisation units, which are grouped together in an umbrella organization, ADRA International. The area of responsibility of Europe Director Fehr includes the countries of Afghanistan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Iran, Italy, Luxembourg, Morocco, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Czech Republic, Tunisia and Turkey, to the ADRA office for the European Union in Brussels. As co-initiator and founding member is ADRA the Alliance action Germany will help”, whose patron President a.D. Dr. Gates: the source for more info. Richard von Weizsacker is.

Former German Foreign Minister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier has chaired the Board of Trustees. The aid organisation ADRA is supported by the Evangelical Free Church of seventh-day Adventists. Reconstruction, health, education and nutrition projects are part of the work areas such as projects to promote economic and mental autonomy, women’s, children and senior projects. ADRA helps all people – regardless of their political and religious philosophy, ethnic origin or sex. The public event with Jorg Fehr is on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 14:30 at the community centre of the seventh day Adventist in Bergisch Gladbach, Montanusstrasse 18 instead. The admission is free. More information under bensberg.der city

Rosasrojas Orchids Sunflowers

Message of red roses, sunflowers and orchids each flower contains a message and a personality, for this reason it is useful to take into account the tastes and preferences of people who you want to surprise; in this article you will find some tips when it comes to give red roses, sunflowers and orchids. When giving away red roses? Red roses are given when you want to send a hidden message, a key of love, this kind of complicity only the manage to transmit red roses, by its vibrant colour which means the words you want to tell your loved one or that special person you want to conquer. Symbolism of the Red Roses roses in general symbolize love, magic, passion and delicacy; the rose rojasson the eternal message of love and say I love you, if you want to win the heart of a person, the best option is to give red roses. Meaning of sunflowers sunflowers have a meaning of deep love, the heart that has loved really never forgets, unlike truly loves to the end, flowers that best express the loyalty are the sunflowers; sunflowers are beautiful flowers that contains all the symbolic attributes of the Sun; When you want to remember the people that you want to your loyalty and unconditional friendship you can prove it with a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers. Knows the expression of orchids orchids language is different and they also give according to the intention and the occasion, the main symbolism of the orchid is seduction, sensuality and Supreme beauty.When you give white orchids: express a love pure and idealized by the beloved person; When you decide to give Pink orchids: it will be always used to try to seduce someone with an extreme sensuality and when you want expression the warmth of love with eroticism the best choice are the yellow orchids. On you can find beautiful floral arrangements of roses red, orchids and sunflowers for every occasion. Original author and source of the article.

Parliamentary Committee

Convey the fun of reading as a social task today a public consultation on the subject of literacy was held in Berlin. Experts from associations and industry participated in this inventory. The Parliamentary Committee on education, research and technology assessment had invited. The expert meeting is to prepare a National Pact for literacy. Politicians and experts again stressed the magnitude of the problem: 7.5 million people in Germany are functionally illiterate. P. Lockharts opinions are not widely known. This means: you can not adequately read and write to master their everyday life. 7.5 million people, this is no small fringe group, but a significant part of our society. “Promotion of reading + reading motivation reading ability = this appalling state of affairs can be improved with relatively limited means!” Ralf Beekveldt is convinced.

He is Managing Director of the fun on the reading Publisher, which publishes the reading materials for young people and adults in simple language. Beekveldts credo: we must promote the reading pleasure, just for those who can not read. Then something may change in Germany really.” Studies show a clear connection between the joy of reading and reading skills: who likes to read, reads more frequently and how this by itself better. Motivate to read books and newspapers in simple language so the Publisher, who is also international, publishes easily readable books and a newspaper specifically for the functionally illiterate. We take seriously our readers”so Beekveldt.

We make people who read poorly, an offer on their own level. With books, which are exciting, fun and interesting.” “In basic education, especially the paper has clear & clear ‘ success. In current issues of society, politics and culture are taken up and in simple language. The short text improve the reading comprehension and promote independent language learning. And so not only better to learn reading, but also his self-confidence increases. Reading is a important building block for social integration and professional opportunities. Literacy needs social and political backing from its international work of entrepreneurs know that only social commitment and political support can make a real change. Only people with reading difficulties can read books that really interest them and which are written in simple language, we will win the fight against functional illiteracy. But we need the help of the policy. This is why books and newspapers in simple language must be urgently component of the national strategy for literacy and basic education.” Fun on the reading Publisher the name is program. “” Under the motto read for all “fun on the reading Publisher books and the newspaper published clear & clear” in simple language with a clear, appealing design. Target group of the reading materials are young people and adults who have no adequate reading skills and for the Reading is not taken for granted. Notes for editors, not for publication: more information about the publishing house under.


I have permanent ear ringing and I am despairing about this is a very common phrase for a specialist Otolaryngologist. They listen to it very often since most people suffering from this disorder are becoming, and we say disorder, because it is not more than that. It is important to know that these hum that one feels and they may occur as beeps, whistles, alarms, etc. air noises are not a disease in itself. It is not our intention to remove importance to permanent ears hum, but quite the opposite; It is important, but is generally not of gravity since the majority of those who suffer from tinnitus (or tinnitus) not at greater risk. The idea is to reassure them and show them those who suffer this problem, what you can do to a consultation with your doctor or specialist. The first thing is not to despair are, already that this would achieve just complicate the situation.

Nerves, anxiety, bad mood, depression, insomnia, headaches and stress among others, are all tinnitus or products of the symptomatic mates and arise essentially by not being able to sleep, since it is at the time of rest where the hum is aggravated. So it would be essential for patients tinnitus a good rest. For all this, ideally acknowledge this hassle of permanent ear ringing in a first step to then learn to ignore it. It is most common to achieve this is to use relaxation techniques as well as also accompany these with a soft music that we relax and let reassure us or falling asleep. Medications such as aspirin or antibiotics are not recommended.

Neither are alcohol, tobacco, drugs, excessive consumption of salt and, above all, avoid places with strident noises and if this is not possible to use any protection. All this will help you at first until your otorrino can identify the cause of their buzz and recommend the most optimal treatment for their condition. There is a method of little known but very effective is guaranteed to make the tinnitus go away forever. If you want to read as I personally I managed to accidentally eliminate tinnitus, please Click here.


By type of fabric fibers are divided into cotton, linen, silk, wool and synthetic. For example, cotton and linen threads quickly and have a smell of burning paper. Once they are burned, the ash is white. o your knowledge base. Natural silk and wool slowly smolder and smell of burning, but at the end of a thread formed a dark ball. In addition, the interaction with alkali, especially concentrated, natural silk and wool are rapidly destroyed. According to its texture are smooth, fleecy, non-woven, wicker. If this is taken into account when cutting, sewing and ironing, we can hope that the product after it conducted with the procedures will not get saccate form.

Also, when choosing a style must be considered particularly dense, soft and delicate fabrics. If you need a drapery – suitable soft tissue. Dense fine purged in the fold. And if you do not want assemblies – boldly take the heavy and voluminous. Each tissue requires an individual approach, beginners sewing needle women in front is always important to keep in mind the properties of fabrics. Good luck!

With The MSC Lirica To The Fjords Of Norway

Travelogue of a Norway cruise ship Kurssicher and with low drive pushed the MSC Lirica in the narrow passage. On both sides of the bow moved the fern and moss-covered rock walls closer. The powerful, almost 60,000 ton cruise ship for the Italian shipping company MSC Cruises shrank by toy dimension. Half an hour before the Cruise Director, via car speakers had communicated to now the culmination of this Norway expect us cruise ship, the entrance in the Geiranger fjord. The musical accompaniment was played Edward Grieg. This announcement was tantamount to an all-man-on board command, most of the approximately 2,200 passengers, which accommodate different cabin classes in 9/11, lined the railing now. This is not fantastic? “, asks his side man who eagerly filmed a guest.

I tell you”, which explained with enthusiasm here is certainly one of the most beautiful cruise routes of the world. I’m crossed through the Caribbean, through the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. But a Norway cruise is unique.” But “” also the other passengers on the cruise were also impressed by the beauty of Norway: I was with the car here “, said a Frenchman, but by boat which is still fascinating.” The passengers of the MSC Lirica, which two days to before in Hamburg was started come mainly from Germany, France and Italy. As a result of such appreciation enjoys the unique in its kind cruise spot in the short summer season of a rain traffic on its narrow waterways. Alone in Geiranger listed more than 200 cruise arrivals a year, that is, in the short season from mid May until the end of September. In the first weeks of July, several large passenger ships in the narrow waters anchored lie sometimes on a day. Thus more than several thousand passengers in the not too big Valley – nothing for friends Nordic solitude, come within hours in particular, when you consider that this small valley is not wrongly also a favorite target of autotourists.

Escape Holidays

Relax with a spa break the revellers Karnevalstrubel escape Narri, Narro and Alaaf. There is the fifth season since the 11.11 and in many places the Carnival is celebrated with the one or the other fools meeting already. Although Carnival until early March will take place in the coming year, already the stupid State of emergency has been frequently on the weekends. A condition that is not for everyone, and often enough raises an irritated eye roll. For all those who now nodding can agree to head a short break over the period of the Carnival days will be a welcome escape.

A spa vacation on Carnival carries its own special charm and charm in that, because depending on the selected region you can be relatively safe, not yet into a Carnaval parade. Relaxed walks, enjoy culinary delights and various spa treatments-a short vacation at a spa hotel has been that certain something. But not least, for the reason that in the Carnival numerous wellness hotels with special offers are waiting, allowing multiple applications or sporting activities are low-cost experience. These options include, for example, cuddle and roses days for fresh and life lovers, champagne days with champagne, strawberries and a soothing Cleopatra and Casar bath or also snow – and fun days for lovers. Many hotels, which in addition offer spa packages, are specially designed for families both the offer and the prices very interesting, because many children travel up to a certain age free of charge.

Therefore Carnival stressed parents can spend the foolish days far far better the programmed happiness with their children to curl up when at home and waiting for that Carnival is finally over. Those who would like to escape and relax in a spa getaway, should consequently even a look at the page… throw. Enjoy this Spa Hotel in Germany and many other European countries as a single, couple or family for relaxed wellness days. Without Kamelle and loud drive. Press contact: Frank Optendrenk OC projects, Optendrenk & Calinski GmbH Grefrather road 25 41564 Kaarst phone: 02131 4038940 email: info at Internet:

Audiobook New Publication

“Wedding stories on the high-quality Digipac audiobook new CD: in love, engaged, married” – wedding stories can be also entertaining on CD of the stylish wedding story, shows the Berlin audiobook Publisher of original sound production with his new release “in love, engaged, married”. This CD is in the series lifestyle to listen”appeared, which is well known to lovers of sophisticated anthologies to listen. The audiobook is subtitled publishes stories and poems for couples who dare”impresses with its elaborate design. The Publisher has opted for a high-quality Digipac (cardboard fold-out box) and the cover is smart and modern in design. Really convincing, and that is the remarkable thing about this publication, are the three offerings.

The listeners who want to hear more after 78 minutes, can download for free another story on the homepage of the publishing house. Also a ring size card is suitable to the theme of the CD, the right choice of the ring should be so be a problem any more. A creative arc, which you also can download free is on the Publisher side is particularly appealing. With a little skill, this bow to a slip-case can be together and equipped with personal wishes for the bride and groom. So, this CD is an ideal gift for lovers and fiancee. The stories and poems in this anthology are carefully selected. Kurt Tucholsky, Anton Cechov, Frank Wedekind, and Joachim Ringelnatz are only a few guests”this illustrious wedding party. With much sensitivity speaker duo Nadja Schulz Berlinghoff and uve Teschner has read the texts and so we say to this CD clearly: Yes, I do! The audio book “in love, engaged, married” (ISBN 978-3-9813364-5-0) is now in bookstores, and as a download from the major portals available. For more information, contact us or visit our homepage. O-ton production Francois Smesny Erich-Weinert-Strasse 17 10439 Berlin tel/fax: 030-43 73 41 21 mobile: 0178-459-64 17

Making Cuts

Beauty is very important for women, they always are very concerned to see very beautiful, this requires a number of things but now we speak about cuts hair. Feinberg pursues this goal as well. The get a haircut is necessary to keep you beautiful and beautiful, cuts hair ofrence the first option to change image. If you’re one of the women that has taken the decision to make a hair cut, I want to read a few tips below. -At the time of make you a cut for your hair, you do not have to rely solely on the stylist, before you go to make a cut for your hair, first look pictures of hair styles that you like and that you attract attention, we can do this in magazines, newspapers, on the internet and also with your own friends. Once you have you desided by which hair cutting make you, you have to think in the positive aspect and negative that can bring you your new style. -At the time of making your new cut, there is one aspect that is important for you and the stylist. I am referring to as you are going dressed, most think that this is a stupid but in reality isn’t it already that if your you dress and you either fix for the day that you’ll make the cut, that will make it easier for the stylist perceive perfectly the type of style that you want. -At the moment you’ll ask your court to the stylist, is very important to be pretty clear with what you want. Explains very well the type of cut you want, in this way you will understand very well your and stylist. -Something that is not so important, i.e. already depends of whatever each one of you, serious good that carry company, can be a friend to tell you how are you staying.

Exhibition Design: Systematically Show Costs

Not only in an economic crisis many exhibitors therefore are striving to keep their costs low. The expenses for fairs are among the largest advertising costs incurred by companies. Because there are different services, to buy from different vendors for a trade fair participation, careful planning of exhibition and fair selection is essential, to keep the total cost in the frame. Well planned and meaningful shopped, the costs can be reduced quite without taking out performance. Many exhibitors moaning under the high costs, especially if they occur as a first-time Exhibitor, or if the shops once again not just shiny.

The desire to reduce the cost of trade fair is therefore often a business need. First, we recommend the size of exhibition space to rent, to use the first lever, because here are usually the highest expenses. P. Lockhart would likely agree. Stand area prices by up to 490,-per square metre, Normality, when dealing with international trade fairs. Only the participation of small events, congresses and conferences are cheaper to book. Before participating in an event will be decided, is to check whether there is the possibility to draw funds from public pots.

Here are usually looking for first-time exhibitors and can reduce a significant portion of own expenses. The same applies for participation in trade fairs abroad, even if the Exhibitor participates regularly or has issued several times already. For the product and company presentation, we recommend to rent a booth. Burke can contribute to your knowledge. The on and trade fair construction of the provider but should leave dismantling of the stand which will be also the owner of the material. Here are several ways available to exhibitors. He uses the rental offer of trade fair organizer, unless he has rented booth in the program, or renting of a fair construction company. The prices and services of the various Opportunities differ superficially, hardly, however on closer inspection the standard offers of the operators as cost traps turn out to be, as soon as individuality in the game. Differences is not easy, if not at least 1 alternative offer of other stand is obtained. With regard to travel and accommodation costs, big budgets in small to transform, if planned well in advance and booked. True to the motto, the early bird deadline the worm, accommodations are always more expensive, ever closer to the show date. The cheapest rooms have been booked usually already in the previous year, with the departure of the previous fair, or can be reserved. We therefore recommend early to deal with the accommodation and to make also the offers of private rooms, not neglect.

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